According to the U.S. Department of Transportation ‘s National Highway National Traffic Safety Administration In 2006 there were 88,000 motorcycle accidents of those accidents 4,810 people where killed. More than half of the deaths involved another vehicle. Head injury is the leading cause of death in motorcycle accidents. Other findings were that fewer than 50% of the motorcycle drivers were wearing helmets. About 41% of the motorcycle drivers were speeding.
The attorneys at Carabin Shaw in Dallas, Texas have experience in all types of motorcycle accidents including, but not limited to, hit and run motorcycle accidents, uninsured motorist, alcohol accidents, intersection accidents, sudden stops accidents, and lane change accidents.
There are many examples of how negligent drivers can cause a motorcycle accident. Most drivers especially during traffic hours in Dallas are not paying close attention and make sudden lane changes or stops and can cause a motorcycle accident causing severe injuries to the motorcyclist. With a severe injury you can be faced with medical bills, loss of wages and property damage. If you are involved in a motorcycle accident cause by a negligent driver we can help you get the compensation you deserve.
You can rest assure that the attorneys at Carabin Shaw will take an aggressive approach to fighting for motorcycle accident victims’ rights. We work diligently to get you the best settlement, and are prepared to take your case to trial get you the settlement you are entitled to.
Free consultation ▪ Se Habla Español ▪ Contact us day or night: 800-862-1260
Here at Carabin Shaw we understand that your after a motorcycle accident your priority is to recover from your injuries and get your life back on track so let us worry about the insurance companies and the other lawyers. Contact us today via email, or by phone at 800-862-1260 day or night.