Dallas Commercial Trucker Driver Fatigue

The United States Department of Transportation reported that the leading cause of truck driver accidents is fatigue. Fatigue accounts for as much as 40% off all truck accidents.

There are several types of fatigue relating to truck driving accidents. Some examples of the most common fatigues that plague truck drivers are lack of sleep, loading and unloading heavy loads, and working long shifts. Studies also indicate that driver fatigue can also impair an individuals’ own ability to gauge their level of fatigue.

A common practice for a truck drivers is driving 12-14 hours at one stretch, and clocking in more than 16-18 hours at work a day. With this type of schedule it leaves truck drivers physically tired and with questionable mental capacity. This causes truck drivers to have accidents.

Although there are regulations in place for truck driving companies to adhere to with regards to truck driving fatigue, sometimes the drivers misjudge their fatigue and they continue to drive. Common violations include truck drivers falsify their required driving log hour books which is illegal.

If you have been involved in a truck driving accident call the law offices of Carabin Shaw. Our experienced lawyers are very knowledge with truck driving cases and they can help you.

Free consultation ▪ Se Habla Español ▪ Contact us day or night: 800-862-1260

If you or a loved one was involved in an accident involving a commercial motor carrier and suspect that it was caused by driver fatigue please call us today we can help you. Contact us today via email, or by phone at 800-862-1260 day or night.

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