Corpus Christi Auto Injury Lawyers

Are you in Corpus Christi? Were you injured in an Auto accident?

Give Carabin Shaw a call. We can help. Call us at 361-444-1111, local if you’re in Corpus Christi.

Each and every year, millions of innocent people get involved in car wrecks. These wrecks can cause severe and serious injuries to pedestrians, passengers and drivers. Car accidents are frightening enough without anyone having to worry about the emotional, physical and financial aftermath. If you or a loved one got in a car wreck due to someone else’s negligence, let Carabin Shaw help you try for the full compensation you well deserve as a result of your injuries. Let our experienced Corpus Christi Auto Injury Lawyers deal with the various insurance companies and potential litigation so it isn’t your problem alone any more. Although making a claim won’t make up the pain of losing a loved one or having to overcome your own losses and physical injuries, a claim and/or lawsuit can help lessen your financial stresses brought on by large amounts of lost wages, funeral expenses and hospital bills.

What Carabin Shaw Will Do for You

The Corpus Christi auto accident attorneys at Carabin Shaw understand that your priorities after a serious auto accident are the following:

  • Making sure that an insurance company covers all reasonable future medical treatment
  • Recover any and all fair amounts of lost wages
  • Cover and pay for your reasonable hospital and medical bills.

Our veteran attorneys have extensive, expansive experience dealing with auto accident claims and always help their clients decide if there is a viable case and decide the most efficient way to proceed with that case. After you decide to pursue your claim, we are ready to work with you, in insurance companies involved, your doctors and the hospital to get together all the evidence and documentation you need to put together your strongest case in favor of your getting fair compensation.

Dealing With Insurance Carriers After an Auto Wreck

All insurance companies are for profit businesses that look out for their own interests, not yours, in all situations. That is why it is so important to get an experienced attorney in your corner who actually knows from experience how best to deal with insurance carriers. We know what tricks they use, what questions to ask and the best ways to stay ahead of the curve. Any insurance company evaluates all claims it gets by checking over and reviewing:

  • Photographs taken of the scene of the accident
  • Photographs of any injuries sustained
  • Hospital and doctor’s records
  • Recorded statements taken by the drivers, the police and statements by any witnesses

All insurance carriers will try to make a case go away for the lowest possible settlement. This is despite good actual cause for a larger monetary settlement. Always be sure to consult a Corpus Christi Auto Injury Lawyer to help you fight against the insurance companies and for your rights. Carabin Shaw represents clients just like you across all of the Corpus Christi area who have sustained property damage and/or serious personal injuries because of truck, motorcycle, automobile or any other vehicular accidents.

Are you in Corpus Christi? Were you injured in an Auto accident?

Give Carabin Shaw a call. We can help. Call us at 361-444-1111, local if you’re in Corpus Christi

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