Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in San Antonio

Motorcycles are everywhere in San Antonio, and they share the road with every other kind of vehicle. From passenger auto to pickup trucks to 18-wheelers, motorcyclists are on the streets and highways with everyone else. But unlike everyone else, they need to exercise an extra measure of caution. If you’ve ever been in a San Antonio motorcycle accident, you know why.

What Causes Motorcycle Accidents in San Antonio?

Accidents in San Antonio are dangerous enough between regular vehicles, but motorcycles compound the risk of injury. Motorcyclists are more exposed than drivers to the environment around them, and, even with protective clothing and helmets, they are still more likely to experience severe injuries or even death. But what are the causes of motorcycle accidents in San Antonio?

The most common cause of motorcycle accidents in San Antonio is when the driver of a vehicle makes a left-hand turn in front of the path of a motorcycle. In this case, car drivers often mistake how fast the bike is traveling or just not paying attention to oncoming traffic. The vehicle makes its turn and will either hit the motorcycle or turn in front of it causing the bike to crash into the car. Either of these scenarios is especially dangerous for the motorcycle operator.

Other causes of motorcycle accidents in San Antonio include:

  • changing lanes abruptly
  • being rear-ended
  • striking a fixed object
  • a car door opening in front of the motorcycle
  • driving under the influence

Whatever the cause, however, being involved in a San Antonio, TX motorcycle crash can result in devastating injuries. If another vehicle is involved, it’s important to understand your legal rights and seek the assistance of a Texas attorney.

What Texas Motorcycle Lawyers Can Do for You

San Antonio injury lawyers throughout the city are available to assist you if you have been hurt as the result of another driver’s negligence. A skilled and experienced Texas attorney will be able to help you get through what can often be a complicated process.

Insurance companies are quick to contact injured parties following an accident because they know people are more vulnerable immediately following a crash. This increased sensitivity could make them prone to making quick decisions that may not necessarily be in their best interest.

For example, an insurance adjuster may want to offer a quick settlement and have you sign a release so they can close our their claim. The problem is you may still have additional treatment and further medical expenses. On top of that, you may lose wages if you have missed work. All of this should be taken into account when settling your claim. A Texas attorney with Carabin Shaw is best equipped to negotiate these matters for you.

Contact the Texas Lawyers at Carabin Shaw Today

The San Antonio injury lawyers of Carabin Shaw have spent decades working hard on behalf of clients just like you. We make sure our clients receive the best possible settlement from the insurance companies, and we never settle injury claims until we know we have considered every outcome for our clients. When you decide to let us be your advocate, we handle all communication with the insurance company, and we won’t charge you any fees until we win your case.

If you have firsthand experience with the causes of motorcycle accidents in San Antonio, your first step is to call our office and schedule a free consultation. We will discuss the details of your accident and injuries with you. We’ll also review what treatment you’ve had to date and keep track of any medical assistance you continue to receive.

Our goal is to help you recover financially after an accident. As we negotiate your settlement with the insurance company, we will take into account all of your medical expenses, lost wages, and even non-monetary factors like pain and suffering. All of this is our effort to secure the compensation you’re entitled to receive.

There are many Bexar County accident lawyers, but we are confident that our Texas attorneys are best equipped to serve your needs. To schedule your first appointment with us in San Antonio, call Carabin Shaw toll-free today at 800-862-1260.

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