Causes and Effects of 18 Wheeler Accidents

The Texas Department of Transportation claims that a reportable large-vehicle crash occurs about every 58 seconds, and there were over 450,000 such crashes reported in 2017. Corpus Christi drivers involved in a large-vehicle accident may be entitled to financial compensation, and knowing the causes and effects of 18 Wheeler accidents can provide critical insight into filing a lawsuit. The Corpus Christi trucking injury attorneys from Carabin Shaw are waiting to connect with you today.

Common Causes of 18 Wheeler Accidents

The following outlines the common causes of large-trucking accidents:

  • Truck Driver Negligence: Driving while fatigued, impaired, or distracted can all lead to severe accidents. Negligent driving, such as speeding in work zones, is also grounds for fault. In addition, statistics show that over 50% of fatal large-truck driving accidents take place on rural roads.
  • Trucking Company Negligence: Failure to provide checks on equipment and gear can result in injury.
  • Road and Weather Conditions: Driving in inclement weather requires higher alert levels and attention.
  • Negligence from Other Drivers: Not paying attention or practicing safe driving techniques (like using a turn signal, checking blind spots) can cause a serious wreck.

Large trucks have the ability to cause life-altering damages or fatalities. If you or someone you love was involved in a trucking accident, consider working with a local Corpus Christi 18 wheeler accident attorney in order to retrieve your financial compensation.

Effects of Large Trucking Accidents

The Texas DOT reports that in 2017 over 4,880 large trucks and busses were involved in fatal crashes. In the same year, over 115,000 trucks and busses were involved in injury crashes. These types of accidents can have the following effects:

  • Wrongful death: In 2017, 1% (about 4,200) of large trucking accidents were fatal. The majority of fatal crashes involved two or more vehicles; smaller vehicles made up 20% of fatalities.
  • Life-altering damages, such as paralyzation.
  • Neck and back injuries: Injuries due to impact can have severe impacts on the neck and the back.
  • Property damage: The size and weight of semi-trucks can create serious property damage.

Many of these effects call for extreme medical attention, which means lots of medical bills. Earning a settlement is one way you can cover medical costs. Understanding the causes and effects of 18 wheeler accidents can promote safety amongst all Corpus Christi drivers.

Practicing Safe Driving Techniques

Unfortunately, accidents happen even when we practice safety. Nevertheless, following local and state laws can help mitigate risk. Practice safety by engaging in the following:

  • Avoid driving while fatigued.
  • Don’t drive while impaired with alcohol or drugs; call a friend or use a ride-sharing app. Plan for your night before you go out.
  • Use turn signals when appropriate, and follow the rules of the road.
  • Avoid distractions: texting while driving, listening to loud music, or goofing around with friends while driving can all lead to severe accidents. Put your phone away, have the volume down low, and maintain your attention to the road.

Practicing the following behaviors not only helps you, but they help others as well. If you have been in an accident, Corpus Christi attorneys who specialize in large trucking accidents encourage speaking to a lawyer as soon as you are able.

When Should I Speak to a Lawyer?

You should speak to a qualified attorney as soon as you are able. However, know that you must file a lawsuit within two years from the accident, and this time limit is called the statute of limitations. But finding a Corpus Christi 18 wheeler accident attorney is easier than you may think. Consider talking to a lawyer from our team today.

Why Carabin Shaw?

Carabin Shaw works with expert Corpus Christi attorneys, and our lawyers have won over $500 million for our clients. Furthermore, we offer a free initial consultation and you only pay us if you win. You have nothing to lose by connecting with our Corpus Christi trucking attorneys. Call our office today at (800) 862-1260.

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