Carbon Monoxide Attorneys: CO Poisoning in El Paso Hotels

When staying in motels or hotels in El Paso, Texas, carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious risk you must consider for you and your family. Why? Because Texas law does not require them to have carbon monoxide sensors in the rooms for guests. This means that when you and your family stay at a hotel or motel in El Paso, Texas, you are at risk of serious injury or death.

Call Carabin Shaw’s carbon monoxide attorneys if carbon monoxide poisoning in El Paso hotels has put your family’s health and safety at risk. We have won over 36,000 personal injury and wrongful death cases, so you know you can trust our win record to do what’s best for you.

Dangers of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Texas Hotels

Did you know that the CDC states poisoning by carbon monoxide is the second leading cause of poisoning deaths not involving medication? Each year over 10,000 people require medical treatment after being poisoned by the deadly fumes, and in the U.S. alone, over 438 people are killed by carbon monoxide poisoning every year.

Just this past July, 12 guests at a hotel in South Texas were hospitalized due to a carbon monoxide leak from a water heater. The leak was traced to a damaged exhaust pipe from this gas-fueled heater. Because a dozen guests got sick from the leak, over 100 people needed to be evacuated from the premises as a precautionary measure, only being allowed to return hours later.

This same dangerous situation could happen to families staying at hotels or motels in El Paso, Texas. El Paso hotels, like all Texas hotels, are not forced to provide guest rooms with carbon monoxide detectors. All the law requires is that the following information about carbon monoxide detectors in Texas be compiled and disseminated by the state according to Texas Health & Safety Code, Ann. § 766.003:

  • Where and how to purchase carbon monoxide detectors
  • How carbon monoxide detectors can prevent poisoning by carbon monoxide
  • The importance of properly maintaining and using appliances that burn fossil fuels

Although this type of knowledge may be informative for businesses, it does not help people like you or your loved ones who are at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning every time you stay in a hotel. That is why it is vital that you have the name and number of El Paso injury lawyers that you can trust, so if this has happened or becomes a threat in the future to you or a loved one, you are armed with the resources and professional support to protect your right to justice and compensation.

Carbon Monoxide Attorneys for CO Poisoning in El Paso Hotels

No one wants to think this could happen to them. Unfortunately, Texas laws don’t require carbon monoxide detectors in hotels, so it could happen to anyone, including you. If you are staying in a motel or hotel in Texas, be prepared. Know who to call in the worst-case scenario; in the case of carbon monoxide poisoning in an El Paso hotel, it’s the attorneys at Carabin Shaw.

You want the best carbon monoxide poisoning lawyers in El Paso on your side. Our live chat and phone lines are active 24/7, and we pride ourselves on listening to your unique case and being vigilant when it comes to getting you the justice you deserve. Contact our El Paso accident attorneys today, and you will be taken care of by one of our professional staff members, who day in and day out aggressively advocate for victims’ rights.

If you or a loved one has suffered wrongful death or serious injury from carbon monoxide poisoning in a hotel or motel in El Paso, Texas, don’t hesitate. Call the attorneys of Carabin Shaw now toll free at 1.800.862.1260.

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