Calculating Your Mesquite Burn Injury Settlement
Too often citizens of Mesquite Texas experience burn injuries. Many victims of those burn injuries suffer due to someone else’s negligence. When another’s reckless actions cause your suffering, you deserve compensation. Burn injuries are not only painful, they’re financially burdensome.
If you or a loved one has suffered burn injuries, a Mesquite burn injury attorney can help you. The Texas burn injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw care about helping victims and their families through the trying times that come along with a burn injury. We know what affects the compensation you deserve, and we can be there to assist you in making the right decisions to maximize the potential of your case.
What to do After a Burn Injury When you suffer a burn injury in Mesquite, there are a series of steps you should always take:
- File an accident report - After being in an accident, you need to file an accident report or contact the police, depending on the type of accident you’re involved in. This step ensures that the proper authorities are notified, and the report will be an essential piece of evidence in your case.
- Seek medical attention - Your well-being is of the utmost importance, so it’s vital that you get your burns evaluated by a medical professional as soon as you can after experiencing a burn injury. Not only will they treat your burns, but they’ll document your injuries in your medical records, which your Mesquite personal injury lawyer will need to make your case.
- Don’t settle - After a burn accident, you’ll probably have to discuss your accident claim with insurers. An insurer’s job is to settle with you for less than you deserve, so our advice is to never take an offer until you’ve spoken with a lawyer. We can evaluate the circumstances of your case and let you know what you’re rightfully owed.
Potential Damages Suffering a burn injury in Mesquite can impact your life greatly both physically and financially. If another’s negligence caused your accident, you deserve compensation. Below are the types of potential damages you may be able to earn when pursuing a burn injury lawsuit:
- Medical bills
- Loss of income
- Property damage
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Loss of consortium
- Funerary costs
Talk to an attorney about what damages may apply to your case.
What Variables Affect Your Compensation When calculating your Mesquite burn injury settlement, there are a number of variables to take into account. Economic damages such as medical bills and loss of income are fairly simple to determine, but non-economic damages such as pain and suffering require review by someone with expertise such as a Mesquite burn injury attorney. Below are some of the factors that can impact the worth of your case:
- Severity of the injury - Accidents in which the victim sustains a more serious injury tend to earn more compensation. Typically, the more severe the injury, the larger the compensation because of the impact the injury will have on someone’s life.
- Emotional trauma - Some injuries can impact a life more than others. A burn that leaves someone’s face disfigured can cause more emotional impact than a minor burn in a non visible area that barely leaves a scar. When an injury causes serious emotional and psychological trauma, a victim can often earn more compensation.
- Length and extent of treatment - Burn injuries that require months or even years of treatment can be exhausting for a victim and a serious disruption to their lives. Victims that must undergo lengthy treatment are usually able to recover more damages for their trials and tribulations.
The Law Firm That Will Fight For You | Free Case Review If you or a loved one has suffered a burn injury, a Mesquite personal injury lawyer can be there for you. The Texas burn injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw want to help you and your family get justice.
Call today at 1-800-862-1260 or fill out our contact form to schedule your free consultation.