Burn Treatments After Severe Burn Injuries

Irving has experienced several apartment fires, commercial building fires, workplace burn accidents, and more in 2020. If you or a loved one were involved in a burn accident and were forced to receive burn treatment, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your injury and treatment. Contact an Irving burn injury lawyer to discuss your case and start on the path to recovery.

After a burn injury, victims often have questions about potential treatments and potential legal options to help pay for those treatments. To provide you with some clarity on this issue, we have included what you need to know about burn treatments after severe burn injuries.

Types and Degrees of Burns That Require Treatment

The types and degree of burns can vary greatly. The different types of burns that may require treatment in Irving include:

  • Thermal
  • Friction
  • Chemical
  • Electrical
  • Radiation
  • Cold

Doctors classify burns into three categories: first, second, and third degree. A personal injury lawyer serving Irving may be able to provide assistance if you received any of the following degrees of burns:

  • First-Degree

    A first-degree burn is the least severe of the three, but it can still cause pain and irritation to a burn victim. The outer layer of the skin, the epidermis, becomes red, irritated, and painful.

  • Second-Degree

    A second-degree burn has all the same symptoms of a first degree, only more severe. The burn causes redness and irritation to the point of blistering. Both the epidermis and the dermis are damaged. There is a high likelihood of permanent damage in the form of scarring or skin-whitening.

  • Third-Degree

    A third-degree burn can cause devastating, long-term damage to a victim. The burn completely destroys the epidermis, the dermis, and can even damage the underlying nerves, muscles, tendons, and bones.

If you have received a burn anywhere in this range, you should seek medical care. Allow a medical professional to determine the level of care that is appropriate.

Medical Costs for Burn Treatments

Unfortunately, burn treatments can become very expensive, especially in cases of severe burns. The treatments often include skin grafts, ointments, water-based therapies, psychiatric medication, physical therapy, and more. Many of these treatments require long-term hospitalization to be administered and observed. A personal injury lawyer serving Irving could potentially help you receive compensation for medical care you are required to receive.

How an Irving Burn Injury Lawyer Can Help with Your Treatment

Once you have received treatment for your burn injury, you should then get in contact with a personal injury lawyer and discuss your case. An attorney may be able to represent you for accidents in your everyday life and accidents at work. If you receive your injury at work, you may qualify if:

  • The injury was due to the negligence of your employer, and they did not offer you Workers’ Compensation.
  • The injury was due to the negligence of a company other than your employer, and you have Workers’ Compensation available.

A personal injury attorney may be able to help you with your treatment by recovering damages. They can argue in court that the responsible party is at fault and that you deserve compensation for your injury, including the consequent medical costs of your treatment. They may be able to recover damages for:

  • Medical Costs
  • Lost Wages
  • Permanent Disability
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Etc.
Contact the Trusted Irving Attorneys at Carabin Shaw | Free Case Review

Carabin Shaw Law Firm can offer you the best representation. We can give you the strongest chance at recovering the compensation for your medical treatment that you deserve.

When you call the trusted Irving attorneys at Carabin Shaw, we will schedule your free initial consultation. Call us toll free at 800-862-1260 or fill out the online form.

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