Beeville Commercial Trucker Driver Fatigue

Truck driver fatigue is contributing to hundreds of accidents that occur each year. As a result, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has implemented Hours of Service (HOS) regulations in attempt to prevent commercial truck driving accidents on our Texas roads. Unfortunately not all truck drivers adhere to the regulations and as a result commercial truck driving accidents are increasing. Being involved in a commercial truck driving accident can be fatal. If you have sustained serious injuries or have suffered the loss of a loved one and believe that it was caused by truck driver fatigue you may be entitled to monetary compensation.

Some of the most common cases involve a truck driver who fell asleep at the wheel. We have represented victims of these types of accidents and we know that it is very difficult to file a claim because they are dealing with serious injuries. Some of the most common injuries that are sustained after a trucking accident include head trauma, spinal cord injuries, broken bones, and loss of limbs. With these types of serious injuries it is difficult to understand how much medical care you will need in the future and more importantly how you will pay for this care. The experienced attorneys at Carabin Shaw know how much compensation you need to seek according to the severity of your injuries. Contact us today and we will discuss your case with you and answer any questions that you may have.

If you or your loved one has been involved in an accident involving a commercial truck driver and you suspect that the cause of the accident was due to the truck driver falling asleep at the wheel contact us today via email, or by phone at 361.358.6300 day or night, we can help you.

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