So you are an Austin resident involved in a work injury with your company. Most people have no idea what to do in the event of a work injury. Companies and corporations have mechanisms in place to protect themselves from large injury and/or damage settlements. In severe cases, they will do everything in their power to limit their liability.
ObtainWhat steps should you take? Here’s what you should do after you feel you have suffered an injury at work! Make sure you receive medical attention as soon as possible after you have been injured. Your health care physician MUST be certified by the Workers Compensation Board except during emergency situations. You can verify this information by calling health Care Hotline number 1.800.781.2362. If your employer or company participates in a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) or Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) Program, you may be required to seek medical treatment from one their participating providers. If this is the case, you should seek a second medical opinion independent of the company PPO or ADR doctor. Participating employers are REQUIRED to notify their employees, in writing, all information pertaining to the PPO or ADR Program. Also, if you require diagnostic tests or prescription you may be required to obtain tests or prescriptions from the network that the employer has contracted with. Also, the employer is required to notify you if you are required to use these networks in the event of a work injury accident. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT ! The cost of medical services you receive is paid by your employer or the employer’s insurance company, IF THE CASE IS NOT DISPUTED. However, health care providers may request that you consent to signing a FORM A-9, this form provides notice to the injured worker that they may be RESPONSIBLE to pay for medical bills if the Workers Compensation Board denies the claim or the injured person does not pursue the claim. NEVER sign any documentation without first hiring and consulting with your work injury attorney!
NotifyContact your supervisor about the injury and the way it occurred, as soon as possible. If you fail to notify your employer within 30 days after the injury occurred in writing you may lose your right to workers compensation benefits. In the case of occupational disease, notification must be given within TWO years after disablement OR TWO years after the claimant should have known or discovered that the disease was work related (whichever is later). You should ALWAYS hire a qualified experienced Austin based attorney to ensure you are compensated fairly and justly for your work injuries. Companies do not represent you; Attorney’s DO!
CompleteCOMPLETE a FORM C-3 Workers Compensation Form and mail it to the nearest Workers Compensation Office processing your claim for your lost time at work. If a claim is not filed within TWO years from the date of the injury or occupational disease, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR RIGHTS TO BENEFITS! At this point, you should have hired a work injury attorney to represent in your case. Finally, you should seek and attend an Independent Medical Examination with the advice and consent of your attorney if you were required to participate in employer sponsored PPO or ADR. Lastly, on advice and consent from your attorney attend any hearings you are required to appear. IF YOU OR LOVED ONE HAS SUFFERED AN INJURY OR SERIOUS LOSS AS A RESULT OF AN ACCIDENT, CALL CARABIN SHAW, DAY OR NIGHT. THE CONSULTATION IS FREE 800-862-1260.