After decades of increased regulations in Colorado, asbestos risks might sound like relics of the past. However, thousands of asbestos deaths still occur each year due to mesothelioma, a cancer of thin tissues in the lungs and other organs. When symptoms appear many years later, your attorney establishes a causal link between your diagnosis and asbestos exposure so that you can pursue the compensation you deserve.
Understanding Asbestos Lung DiseasesThe asbestos injury lawyers in Colorado at Carabin Shaw are deeply familiar with all diseases associated with the construction material known as asbestos. In addition to mesothelioma and lung cancer, you’re entitled to recover damages for chronic lung diseases that significantly impact quality of life.
Risk Factors for Asbestos Lung CancersYour occupation strongly influences your likelihood of developing asbestos-related lung cancers. Although risks are lower for Colorado workers today, many jobs involve greater than average exposures to asbestos:
Even if you never worked in a high-risk industry, a mesothelioma lawyer in Colorado knows that any amount of asbestos exposure is unsafe. Family members may suffer from secondary exposure, and even brief times in deteriorating old homes can be damaging.
Legal Rights for Colorado Victims of Asbestos Lung CancerOnce you have a diagnosis, you might wonder what to do if you were exposed to asbestos. In Colorado, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit is typically two years from the time you discovered the related illness. But your legal actions—including when you take them and against whom—depend on your circumstances.
Colorado State Asbestos LawsColorado’s asbestos-related regulations require the following:
Our team at Carabin Shaw can help you understand who failed to uphold these standards for you.
Options for Asbestos CompensationWhen facing the steep cost of your diagnosis, it’s normal to wonder, “Can I sue for asbestos exposure in Colorado?” The answer is usually yes. And if many people are affected by the same source of exposure, such as an asbestos-containing product, you might even be able to participate in a class action lawsuit rather than an individual personal injury case.
In addition to civil litigation, your legal team connects you with as many avenues for financial recovery as possible. Because of the well-documented risks, several asbestos compensation programs exist, including:
Legal experience with asbestos cases is a key quality to seek in the team that represents you. Carabin Shaw reviews also showcase the compassion, accessible support staff, and strong reputation that make us a great fit for a case that involves severe damages and complex circumstances.
To ensure fair compensation, an experienced legal team can:
How can you prove that a former landlord failed to remove asbestos hazards? Is it possible to get compensation from a negligent contractor on a work site? To gain clarity about what you can recover, call Carabin Shaw’s 24/7 toll-free number 800-862-1260 for a free asbestos consultation. Our Colorado staff is happy to support you in English or Spanish.
Throughout this process, we offer our services on a contingency-fee basis, a transparent structure that means you pay based on our success. Asbestos victims have suffered from the past ignorance and neglect of others, so we strive to remove every obstacle to justice for their futures.
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