After an 18 Wheeler Accident in Kermit, Texas
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Each year, commercial trucks are involved in an estimated 500,000 wrecks nationwide, many of which result in injury or death. If you’ve been hurt in such an accident and are wondering what to do after an 18 wheeler accident in Kermit, Texas, our team of experts at Carabin Shaw is here to help. Read on to learn about what you need to do now, and discover how to find the right attorney for you in Kermit, Texas.
Steps to Take After Your Big Rig Wreck 1. Call the Authorities.First, you should call the police so that an accident report can be filed. If possible, take photos of the vehicles and damage before any cars are moved—this evidence will be extremely helpful once you are ready to hire a Kermit 18 wheeler accident lawyer.
2. Seek Medical Attention for Your Injuries.Following your wreck, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible—even if you don’t think your injuries are serious. Neglecting to go to the emergency room or to seek medical attention can backfire if you develop pain symptoms later, because the insurance company or defense attorney may claim that your injuries must not be severe if you waited to seek help.
3. Do Not Accept a Settlement Before Consulting With a Lawyer.In many cases, the insurance company’s initial offer will be too low, and you may be entitled to more compensation. This is why it’s crucial to speak with a Kermit semi truck accident attorney before accepting a settlement. Only a qualified lawyer who knows the facts surrounding the accident can tell you the true value of your accident claim.
4. Follow Your Doctor’s Orders.If you are prescribed medication or physical therapy for your injuries, it is crucial that you follow your doctor’s medical advice as closely as possible, and attend all follow-up visits. Failure to do so can jeopardize your claim and can be used against you; the at-fault driver’s lawyer may try to argue that your injuries are your own fault (or were worsened by your actions) because you did not listen to your physician’s medical advice. Similarly, it’s crucial to keep all documentation relating to your medical appointments and bills.
5. Hire a Qualified Kermit 18 Wheeler Accident LawyerCommercial truck drivers are governed by both state and federal regulations, and trucking accident claims require experienced, specialized attorneys. When choosing a trucking accident lawyer in Kermit, Texas, look for someone who has extensive experience handling commercial vehicle accidents, trial experience (in case your claim ends up in court), plenty of positive client reviews, and a good professional reputation.
The Carabin Shaw DifferenceHere at Carabin Shaw, we meet all of the above criteria and more. Our lawyers have a combined 200 years of legal experience, and we’ve been handling trucking accident claims for more than two decades. We’re passionate about defending the rights of accident victims, and we want to help you get the compensation you deserve so you can get your life back on track following your wreck.
We offer all new clients a no-cost, no-obligation consultation, which means you have nothing to lose by calling us today and learning how we may be able to help. To schedule your free consultation with an experienced Kermit 18 wheeler accident lawyer, call our office serving Kermit, Texas at (432) 620-0544. Call us now and learn what a Kermit semi truck accident attorney at Carabin Shaw can do for you.