What elements contribute to wrong-way driving in San Antonio?
Driver Ejected From Vehicle in Wrong-Way Crash
According to a KSAT News report, a late-night crash left a wrong-way driver in critical condition after hitting the curb and rolling their vehicle.
Police reported that the driver was driving the wrong way on W. Malone Avenue, a one-way street, at around 2 a.m. on July 25, 2023, when he struck the curb in two separate places, flipping his vehicle. The impact caused the driver to be thrown from the vehicle, where he was critically injured. His passenger was also transported to the hospital, but the injuries reported were from ant bites that the passenger suffered after the accident near the crash scene.
Did You Know?
There are about 430 deaths per year as a result of wrong-way drivers in the United States.
Wrong Way Drivers in San Antonio
Auto accidents involving wrong-way drivers are among the most terrifying and devastating accidents a driver in San Antonio can experience. Unfortunately, San Antonio has a high frequency of these types of accidents. The TxDOT reported 181 separate instances of wrong-way drivers in San Antonio in 2011 alone, and Texas as a whole is the state with the most wrong-way driving accidents in the nation.
Why Are There So Many Wrong-Way Drivers in San Antonio?
Statistical data from the TxDOT gathered between March and December of 2011 sheds some light on contributing factors to wrong-way drivers in the San Antonio area:
- Most of these types of accidents occur at night – More than 80% of wrong-way driver incidents occur between the night hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., with almost half of these reports (45%) occurring between the hours of 2 a.m. and 4 a.m.
- Fall and Winter have the highest concentration of wrong-way drivers – Late fall and early Winter (October through December) have a spike in wrong-way drivers, which correlates to an increase in drunk driving during the holidays and earlier sunset times.
- Saturday has the most wrong-way drivers – Saturday between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. has almost double the amount of wrong-way driver reports than any other day of the week.
As the data suggests, there is a direct correlation between drunk driving and wrong-way driving in San Antonio. Other contributing factors include poor visibility and poor road signage due to construction work, which San Antonio is also experiencing a lot of right now.
Protecting Yourself From Wrong-Way Drivers
Even though a majority of wrong-way driver instances do not result in an accident, when they do occur, they usually end in catastrophic injury and death. Here’s what to do if you encounter a driver heading in the wrong direction:
- Pull Over or As Far Right as Possible and Stop – Most wrong-way accidents occur in the left lane. Check for other vehicles and then move to the shoulder or as far right as possible.
- Turn on Your Hazard Lights – This protects you and alerts other drivers on the road of a problem.
- Call 9-1-1 – Don’t assume someone has already reported the driver, and do not pursue them. Call the police as soon as it is safe to do so.
If a wrong-way driver injured you or someone you love, talk to an experienced auto accident attorney in San Antonio.
Wrong-Way Driver Attorney in San Antonio
If you or someone you love was injured or tragically killed because of a wrong-way driver in San Antonio or the surrounding area, contact Carabin Shaw today. Our team of auto accident attorneys has thirty years of experience representing the injured in San Antonio, and we care. Contact us today at 800-862-1260 or fill out this form to get started. We look forward to serving you.