Wet roads increase accident risk.
18-Wheeler Loses Control, Breaks Through Gaurdrail on I-35 South
According to a KENS5 News report, an 18-wheeler lost control and crashed on I-35 South due to rainy weather conditions.
Wet roads increase accident risk.
According to a KENS5 News report, an 18-wheeler lost control and crashed on I-35 South due to rainy weather conditions.
Is it OK to speed during a medical emergency in Texas?
According to a KSAT News report, a pedestrian was struck and killed by a speeding vehicle on the Northwest Side this week.
Rainy conditions reduce driver visibility and increase the risk of slip and fall accidents.
According to a KSAT News report, a man was killed while walking on Culebra Road last night.
Are you responsible for damages in a pile-up accident?
According to a KXAN News report, a 6-vehicle accident resulted in minor injuries on I-35 in San Marcos last week.
Cargo spills are very dangerous hazards to other drivers.
According to a KSAT News report, an 18-wheeler crashed and caused one person to be sent to the hospital in an accident today.
Many innocent people are put at risk when an 18-wheeler crashes into a bridge in Texas.
According to a KSAT News report, an 18-wheeler hit a bridge and got stuck under it today.
When 18-wheelers roll over, the consequences can be catastrophic.
According to a News4SA report, an 18-wheeler collision led to one of the trucks rolling over and shutting down Highway 211 today.
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(Corpus Christi, January 27, 2020) Two men were killed in an accident with a semi-truck on U.S. Highway 181 outside Normanna last week. The Texas Department of Public Safety identified the victims as Mark Wesley Swisher, 61, of Fort Worth, and William Charles Mego, 74, of Arlington, who were both were killed when their Dodge pickup truck was struck head-on by an 18-wheeler.
Both victims were pronounced dead at the accident scene about 9:56 a.m. on Wednesday the 22nd about a mile south of Normanna in Bee County.