Defective window units can cause serious fires.
Motel A/C Catches Fire, Man Hospitalized With Burn Injuries
According to a KSAT News report, a man was hospitalized with minor burns following a motel fire.
Defective window units can cause serious fires.
According to a KSAT News report, a man was hospitalized with minor burns following a motel fire.
Speeding causes many deadly accidents in San Antonio.
According to a KSAT News report, a man is dead after crashing into the back of an 18-wheeler on U.S. 281 this week.
Gas line leaks and explosions can cause catastrophic damage.
According to a KSAT News report, an RV fire damaged two homes on the South Side last night.
Is it OK to speed during a medical emergency in Texas?
According to a KSAT News report, a pedestrian was struck and killed by a speeding vehicle on the Northwest Side this week.
Learn about dangerous products that have been recalled this month.
Products must meet certain safety standards to be sold to U.S. consumers. When they fail to meet these standards or people are injured by hazards discovered after release, a recall is usually issued.
The safest place for small children is in an age-appropriate car seat in the backseat.
According to a KSAT News report, two toddlers ejected from a car crash were rescued from the Interstate on Sunday evening.