Articles Tagged with Hit-and-Run Accident

Bicycle laying down with helmet in front after accident.

What should you do if a car hits you while you’re riding your bike and drives away?

Driver Hits Bicycle and Flees the Scene On Southeast Side

According to a KSAT News report, a bicyclist is in the hospital after being dragged by a vehicle for 200 yards near Loop 410 yesterday.

An upside down vehicle in a parking lot, similar to the accident described in the article.

Rollover accidents usually end in tragedy.

DWI Rollover Crash Damages 4 Parked Vehicles

According to a KSAT News report, a driver was arrested for drunk driving after he rolled his vehicle, crashing into parked vehicles early Wednesday morning.


San Antonio is not a very cyclist-friendly city.

Police Search for Driver After Hit and Run Kills Cyclist

San Antonio police are looking for a driver that hit and killed a cyclist and then fled the scene, according to a San Antonio Express-News report. The accident occurred early Friday morning, just before 2 a.m. when drivers on the 3500 block of Roland Avenue reported a mangled bicycle with a man next to it on the side of the road. According to the police report, a driver failed to navigate a turn at a curve in the road and clipped the cyclist, driving off without stopping to assist him. The unidentified man was pronounced dead at the scene. 


Drink responsibly this New Year’s Eve

(December 30, 2022) New Year’s Eve is tomorrow, and with most of San Antonio back in full swing for the holidays, it’s set to be a night full of celebration and excitement for the coming New Year. Why spoil the fun with a DWI charge? New Year’s Eve is the worst holiday for drunk driving. Encountering drunk drivers is 116% more likely on New Year’s Eve and results in fatalities every year in San Antonio and throughout the United States. Make responsible choices a part of your New Year’s resolutions, and drink responsibly this holiday weekend.

Did you know?


Texas Hit-and-Run Accidents on the Rise

(August 22, 2022) Two hit-and-run accidents a week apart left two San Antonio drivers severely injured and in the hospital. So, what do you do if you’ve been hit by a vehicle and they just drove away? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at these two accidents, and then we’ll discuss what to do if you’ve become a victim of a hit-and-run accident.

Did you know?

(July 27, 2022) According to the Nationwide Report, a man was killed in a hit-and-run accident last night on Monday, July 25, 2022, at around 9:30 p.m. The pedestrian was attempting to cross the street at the I-10 and I-35 exchange while wearing dark clothing, making him very difficult to see. The driver of the involved vehicle fled the scene and is potentially facing charges for failure to render aid. The identity of the driver and the pedestrian have not been released.

Did you know?

A pedestrian who was jaywalking (as defined by Texas Law) is likely to be found fifty-one percent liable for an accident, which could bar them from recovering damages in a lawsuit.

(May 20, 2022) Two people fled the scene of an accident early this morning when a pickup truck collided with two trains on the West Side, according to KSAT. The accident happened at around 2:15 AM when a pickup truck drove off of a dead-end road and through a fence, colliding with a train parked on the nearby tracks. Police say that the drivers fled the vehicle. Later, another train collided with the pickup truck, wedging it between the two trains. No injuries were reported as a result. Both crashes happened on the tracks at the end of Kirk Place, which is a neighborhood street near Highway 90. When police reached the owner of the pickup by phone, he denied driving the truck, saying he had lent it to two friends who called him after the collision. The police have been unable to reach them. The road was temporarily closed while clean-up crews spent hours clearing the debris.

Do I have to call the police if I have been in an accident?

Texas Law requires that the police are notified of any vehicle accident if someone has been injured or killed or if damages exceed $1,000. Failure to do so is illegal and can result in either a misdemeanor or felony charge, depending on the extent of the damage or injuries.

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