Articles Tagged with Hit-and-Run Accident

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Can Texas parents file a personal injury claim on behalf of their child?

6-year-old Boy Recovering from Serious Injuries After Hit-and-Run Accident Last Week

According to a KSAT News report, a 6-year-old boy is still hospitalized after a hit-and-run crash last week left him seriously injured.

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Texas drivers must always yield to traffic officers and follow their instructions.

Deputy Directing Traffic Struck, Injured by Hit-and-Run Driver on the Northwest Side

According to a KSAT News report, a deputy is recovering from minor injuries following a hit-and-run on the Northwest Side yesterday evening.

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Rainy conditions reduce driver visibility and increase the risk of slip and fall accidents.

Man Hit, Killed in Hit-and-Run Accident on Culebra

According to a KSAT News report, a man was killed while walking on Culebra Road last night.

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Recovering compensation after a hit-and-run accident is difficult but not impossible.

Police Searching for Vehicle That Struck and Killed Man Who Pushed His Son to Safety

According to a KSAT News report, police are asking for tips to locate a pickup truck involved in a West-Side hit and run.

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There are many ways a person can be injured while grocery shopping.

Woman Hospitalized in Hit-and-Run Accident in H-E-B Parking Lot

According to a KSAT News report, a woman was seriously injured after being hit by a pickup in an H-E-B parking lot last week.

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Take extra care while celebrating Fiesta this year.

Crime Stoppers Offering Reward for Information on Hit-and-Run Accident Last Month

According to a KSAT News report, Crime Stoppers is looking for help identifying the driver in a hit-and-run accident last month.

Car wrecked on road guardrail

Collisions can send cars spiraling into a second impact, causing even more damage.

Police Searching for Driver Who Hit Sedan, Crashed into Guardrail and Fled the Scene

According to a KSAT News report, a person was injured after a vehicle hit a sedan and a guardrail before running away on foot last night.

Injured cyclist sitting in pain on the road next to the racing bicycle.

Bicycle accidents are a frequent occurrence in San Antonio.

Cyclist Killed in Hit-and-Run on the West Side

According to a KSAT News report, a woman was killed by a vehicle that didn’t stop while riding her bicycle this morning.

Pedestrian wearing a reflective jacket and wearing a safety light crossing the road at night

How can a pedestrian keep themselves safe when walking at night in San Antonio?

Pedestrian Dead in Poteet After Hit-and-Run Accident

According to a San Antonio Express-News report, a man is dead after a hit-and-run accident in the Poteet area.

Man feeling pain to the neck after a car crash

Do I have to stop if I’m in a single-vehicle accident and there’s only property damage?

Driver Dies On North Side After Hitting a Curb, Losing Control

According to a KSAT News report, a young driver is dead after a single-vehicle accident on the North Side of San Antonio early Sunday morning.

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