Suspected Drunk Driver Arrested Following Crash That Hospitalized 3 People

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Drunk drivers often cause catastrophic accidents.


Suspected Drunk Driver Runs Red Light, Critically Injures Driver in a West-Side Accident

According to a KSAT News report, a 30-year-old drunk driver caused a serious accident on the West Side last weekend.

Police reported the accident happened at around 11 p.m. on Saturday, July 27th, at the intersection of North General McMullen Drive and West Commerce Street. A man driving a gray Lexus ran a red light, crashing into a black Chevrolet traveling eastbound through the intersection. The impact caused the Chevrolet to change directions and hit a Dodge Avenger waiting at the red light. Two women in the Chevrolet were taken to the hospital, one in critical condition. No one in the Dodge was hurt. The man driving the Lexus was evaluated at the scene and arrested for drunk driving. He was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries and will be booked into the Bexar County Adult Detention Center when he has sufficiently recovered.

Did You Know?

43% of Americans admitted to drinking and driving in 2021.

Do Men Drive Drunk More Often Than Women?

Drinking alcohol is a normal and safe activity for men and women across Texas when done responsibly. A cold beer at a backyard BBQ or a glass of champagne at dinner can be a wonderful way to lighten the mood and elevate social experiences.

Unfortunately, too many Texans choose to drive after drinking. While men and women have equal opportunity to drive drunk, men tend to lead this statistic across the United States.

Why Do Men Drive Drunk More Than Women?

Men are roughly 4x more likely than their female counterparts to drive drunk, though female DUIs are on the rise. There are several reasons for this:

  • Men drive more often than women,
  • Women process alcohol differently than men due to higher levels of body fat,
  • Men drink more often and in larger quantities than women,
  • Men are more prone to risk-taking behavior, especially behind the wheel.

Interestingly, the amount of DUI arrests for men has remained roughly constant but is steadily increasing among women. Researchers believe that social stigmas surrounding alcohol use for women are diminishing, which may contribute to this change.

How to Stop a Friend from Driving Drunk

Men and women are both at risk when it comes to drunk driving. However, it can be difficult to broach the topic with a close friend, especially in Texas, where the attitude against drunk driving is somewhat lax.

Here are a few tips on what to say to a friend to stop them from drunk driving:

  1. Don’t be Confrontational — Approach the situation with respect, not combatively.
  2. Express Concern — Tell them you’re concerned for their safety if they drive drunk.
  3. Offer Alternatives — Check out our resource on affordable and convenient ways to avoid drunk driving.
  4. Use Facts — Even seemingly small amounts of alcohol directly impair the decision-making part of the brain.
  5. Be Kind But Firm — Tell them you cannot allow them to drive. Take away their keys if you have to.
  6. Involve Others — Have another close friend or family member back you up and help you find an alternative.

You are not responsible for the actions of other people, nor can you force anyone to do anything. Once you have done your part by offering the warning and alternatives, what happens next is up to them.

Injured by a Drunk Driver? Call Shaw.

You may be entitled to compensation if you were injured by a drunk driver in Texas, regardless of any criminal trial they will face.

Carabin Shaw will help you find out if you have a case for free. Call Shaw at 800-862-1260 today to schedule your free, no-obligation case evaluation with one of our DUI attorneys. We’re a trusted name in Texas because we put our clients first. We look forward to serving you.

Contacting a Carabin Shaw attorney is free and does not obligate you to work with the firm.

¹KSAT Report

²Value Penguin DUI Stats

³ARCR on Gender Differences in DUIs

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