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(August 3, 2022) Two vehicles crashed into homes less than two weeks apart from each other, leaving extensive property damage and injuries behind in San Antonio. Let’s take a look at each of these accidents and then discuss what types of damages can be claimed in accidents involving private property.

Did you know?

The Storefront Safety Council found that there are roughly one hundred instances of vehicles crashing into buildings every day in the United States. They are responsible for 16,000 injuries and 2,600 deaths annually.


Pedestrian accidents on the rise in Texas

(August 2, 2022) The Texas Department of Transportation’s Pedestrian Safety Outreach team suited up and hit the streets of downtown Houston to spread awareness of its “Be Safe. Drive Smart” campaign while auto accidents involving pedestrians are on the rise in Texas. The State of Texas currently stands eleventh in the ranking of deadliest states for auto-pedestrian accidents. These numbers are only getting worse, as the year 2021 saw a fifteen percent increase over the previous year.

Did you know?


Children in rural areas commonly learn to drive young

(August 1, 2022) On Wednesday, June 22, 2022, a thirteen-year-old boy stole a car and live-streamed the event before crashing into a pole and killing his passenger, according to On Your Side News.

Officials reported that the oldest person in the vehicle was fifteen, and there was a thirteen-year-old driver and passenger, as well as one fourteen-year-old, for a total of four children. Authorities were alerted by concerned parents that their child was driving a stolen vehicle toward the Dallas area while live-streaming on social media. The stolen vehicle was spotted leaving the scene of a convenience store robbery before being found in a hotel parking lot at around 4 a.m. Police reported that the boy hit the patrol vehicle before speeding off into a light post, ejecting his thirteen-year-old passenger and critically injuring himself and the other passengers. The children were transported to the hospital, where the ejected passenger died from his injuries. It is unclear whether drugs or alcohol were involved.


Rollover accidents in Texas

(August 1, 2022) A rollover accident shuts down southbound lanes of Highway 281 by St. Mary’s Street today, August 1, 2022, according to KSAT News.

The single-vehicle rollover accident, which left one person dead, occurred around 12:15 p.m. today between St. Mary’s Street and East Josephine Street. The police did not report what caused the accident or if there were any other people injured.


Motorcycle fatalities on the rise in Texas

(July 28, 2022) A seventy-year-old man is dead following a two-vehicle collision on the Far West Side of San Antonio on Wednesday, June 27, 2022, a little before 2:30 p.m. The seventy-year-old man, whose identity has not yet been released to the public, was driving his motorcycle east on Highway 151 near the Loop 1604 intersection when the collision happened, according to the Nationwide Report. Another driver, a twenty-four-year-old man, was driving westbound on Loop 1604 and made a left turn in front of the motorcyclist, despite the cyclists having a green light. The other driver waited at the scene of the accident until EMS arrived, but the man tragically succumbed to his wounds at the scene. All eastbound lanes were shut down until past 4:30 p.m. as the officers cleared the scene. No criminal charges are pending at this time, as officials reported this as an accident.


Did you know?

(July 27, 2022) According to the Nationwide Report, a man was killed in a hit-and-run accident last night on Monday, July 25, 2022, at around 9:30 p.m. The pedestrian was attempting to cross the street at the I-10 and I-35 exchange while wearing dark clothing, making him very difficult to see. The driver of the involved vehicle fled the scene and is potentially facing charges for failure to render aid. The identity of the driver and the pedestrian have not been released.

Did you know?

A pedestrian who was jaywalking (as defined by Texas Law) is likely to be found fifty-one percent liable for an accident, which could bar them from recovering damages in a lawsuit.

(July 26, 2022) A thirty-one-year-old man tragically lost his life this morning, Tuesday, July 26, 2022, when struck by an 18-wheeler on the Far West Side. The accident happened on the eastbound lanes of Culebra Road just out front of the Harlan Highschool. The Bexar County deputies diverted traffic to Tally Road, and Culebra was shut down as they evaluated the scene.

How did this happen?

San Antonio Express-News reported that the thirty-one-year-old man who tragically lost his life this morning was a passenger of a seventeen-year-old driver of a KIA SUV. Deputies told San Antonio Express-News that the girl attempted a left turn on a blinking yellow light in front of the big rig. The driver of the tractor-trailer was unable to stop in time and collided with the small vehicle, killing the passenger and injuring the driver. The driver of the 18-wheeler was not reported to have sustained any injuries, and the seventeen-year-old driver of the KIA SUV was transported to the hospital for her injuries. The passenger was pronounced dead at the scene, and deputies asked that traffic avoid the area while the investigators cleared the scene.

(July 25, 2022) A Northeast side couple was indicted by a Bexar County grand jury yesterday for allowing their four children to live surrounded by trash and rodents and were charged with four counts of endangering a child. The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office told San Antonio Express-News that deputies who responded to a concerned neighbor’s call thought the children inside may have been dead because of the awful smell of decomposition coming from the apartment. The children aged between two and thirteen years old.

Did you know?

Endangering a child is a state felony and is punishable with up to two years of jail time and a possible fine of 10,000 USD.

An accident that left a man in his 60’s suffering injuries occurred on Tuesday night at a West Side intersection in San Antonio. According to the reports, the accident involved two vehicles, and it happened at the intersection of New Valley Hi Drive and Loop 410 access road. This accident took place at roughly 2:15 a.m. Although the reasons the vehicles collided are unknown, the initial reports reveal a passenger van and a small sedan crashed into each other. The force of the collision caused the van to roll over. When emergency responders arrived at the scene, they took the male driver of the van to the University hospital in a stable condition. After the collision, the female driver of the sedan did not suffer any injuries.

When auto accidents happen, there are two types of general damages. One of them being personal injury and the other property damage. Property damage claims can take time due to the insurance companies processing the claim at a slow pace. However, these types of claims are typically resolved fairly quickly. Some types of property damage and costs include the following:

  • Damage to your vehicle.

(June 30, 2022) On Wednesday, June 29, 2022, a portion of Interstate 10 was shut down after a fatal collision, according to KSAT12. The accident happened at around 11:00 a.m. and left one unidentified driver dead. According to police, a white truck carrying a heavy load of lumber and bags of cement pulled over to the left shoulder of the Fresno exit after experiencing a stalled engine. The driver exited the vehicle in an attempt to discover the issue when a white sedan collided with the back of the truck. The driver of the white sedan was pronounced dead at the scene. This fatal accident resulted in the closure of all eastbound lanes between Fresno Street and Hildebrand Avenue, just northwest of downtown San Antonio. The driver of the truck and his passenger sustained no injuries. The police described the incident as a tragic accident and did not expect to file criminal charges at the time of the accident.

Why are rear-end collisions so common on Interstate Highways?

Rear-end collisions account for twenty-eight percent of all traffic accidents in the United States, according to the National Highway Safety Administration. This makes them one of the most common accidents in the United States. However, of those twenty-eight percent, only six percent of all rear-end collisions result in a fatality, as in the above case. But why are they so common, especially on Interstate Highways?

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