
Woman Struck, Hospitalized in Walmart Parking Lot

Parking lot accidents can have a devastating impact on your life, even at low speeds.


Woman Hospitalized in Serious Condition After Parking Lot Accident This Week

According to a KSAT News report, a woman was taken to the hospital, and a driver was arrested following a parking lot accident this week.

Police reported the accident occurred on the East Side of San Antonio at a Walmart store in the 2100 block of Southeast Loop 410, near Rigsby Avenue, at around 11 p.m. Tuesday. A woman who was either getting off work or on a break at the time was struck in the pickup area of the Walmart parking lot. She was taken to the hospital in serious condition. The driver, a young man in his early 20s, stayed at the scene and was arrested on suspicion of a DWI.

Did You Know?

20% of all vehicle accidents occur in parking lots.

Suing for Parking Lot Injuries in San Antonio Explained

Parking lots are the scene of roughly 60,000 injury accidents per year. This number is probably less than the actual number due to the fact that many parking lot accidents go unreported.

If you’ve been hurt by a fall or a reckless driver in a parking lot in San Antonio, you may be entitled to compensation. Despite what many people think, parking lot accidents often result in serious injuries and death, even if you don’t fall very far or are hit by a car at low speeds.

Suing for a Pedestrian Accident in a Parking Lot

Did you know that a majority of drivers admit to distracted driving in parking lots?

Even at speeds of only 15 mph, a pedestrian can be catastrophically injured or killed in an accident. When a reckless driver injures you in an accident that was not your fault, you can sue for compensation if you prove:

  • The driver owed you a duty of care,
  • The driver breached that duty,
  • That breach of duty directly caused the accident,
  • And you suffered injury as a result.

Pedestrians have the right of way in parking lots, and drivers owe you a duty of care not to drive recklessly (speeding, distracted driving, drunk driving, etc.), so proving negligence is typically straightforward. Talk to one of our attorneys at 800-862-1260 if you have questions about suing for your pedestrian injury in San Antonio.

Suing for a Fall Injury in a Parking Lot

Businesses in San Antonio have a legal responsibility to keep their grounds reasonably safe from hazards for their customers. When they breach this duty and you are hurt as a result, you have the right to pursue compensation from the business.

Common hazards that lead to fall injuries in parking lots include:

  • Broken pavement,
  • Slick, wet, or icy walkways,
  • Hazardous debris,
  • And Defective or broken stairs.

Some limitations do apply in these cases. For example, if the hazard was open and obvious and you walked right into it, you may not be able to collect compensation. Additionally, it must be proved that the business knew or should have known about the hazard. You can talk to one of our pedestrian injury attorneys at 800-862-1260 if you want to find out if your fall injury constitutes grounds for a lawsuit.

Injured in a Parking Lot? Call Carabin Shaw.

Carabin Shaw has represented those injured in parking lots across Texas for over 30 years. If you want immediate assistance with your parking lot injury, call our team at 800-862-1260 or use the live chat to schedule your case evaluation. We look forward to serving you.

Contacting a Carabin Shaw attorney is free and does not obligate you to work with the firm.

¹KSAT Report

²Parking Lot Injury Statistics


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