
Two Vehicles Explode After Collision on the South Side Last Weekend

There are many reasons why a vehicle might explode after an accident.


Vehicles Explode After South-Side Collision

According to a KSAT News report, a south-side accident ended in multiple explosions last weekend.

Police reported the accident occurred at around 10 a.m. on Saturday, July 6th, at the intersection of West Gerald Avenue and Commercial Avenue on the South Side. A driver of a truck told police that he drove through a stop sign, thinking the road was clear. A vehicle driving on Commercial Avenue then struck the truck. It caused the truck to turn and hit a third vehicle waiting at a stop sign that had a gas tank sitting in the back of the truck. Both vehicles exploded because of the gas tank. The three drivers suffered minor injuries and were released from the scene.

Did You Know?

Vehicle explosions are more likely to occur in the summer months.

Injuries from Car Fires and Explosions in San Antonio

A catastrophic injury can come from pretty much any kind of auto accident. But when a car catches fire and/or explodes, your risk of severe injury is elevated.

Cars don’t catch fire very often — they are designed with potential accidents in mind to prevent such a thing from happening. However, even the best design can fail, especially in the summer months when high winds, dry air, and hot temperatures make matters worse. Older and defective vehicles also have a higher risk of explosion in an auto accident.

Burn Injury from Car Fire/Explosion

The most common injury from a car fire/explosion is a burn injury. Burn injuries from a car fire are usually thermal or chemical and vary in severity.

  • Chemical Burns — Cars are full of dangerous chemicals like anti-freeze, steering fluid, and oil, which you can be exposed to in an auto accident.
  • Thermal/Contact Burns — Fires can heat up the interior of the vehicle, causing potentially extreme burns to your head, hands, and other body parts. Inhalation of extremely hot air can also burn the esophagus, making breathing difficult.
  • Electric Burns — Many electrical components are an essential part of your vehicle’s function. A collision and fire can damage these components, causing occupants to suffer electrical burns.

Other Injuries from Car Fires/Explosions

When a vehicle explodes, it endangers innocent bystanders as well as auto accident victims. The force of the explosion can not only send shrapnel and other debris flying in all directions but also throw the people nearby to the ground.

This can result in a slew of injuries, such as:

  • Broken Bones,
  • TBI,
  • Spinal Cord Injury,
  • Laceration Injuries,
  • Fractures,
  • Whiplash,
  • And Internal Organ Damage.

Long-term Impact of Car Fire/Explosion Injuries

Victims of car fire and explosion accidents can suffer the consequences for months or years later — occasionally, the injury has a permanent impact on their lives.

Burn injuries can take years to heal, result in disability or disfigurement, and leave permanent scars on the victims. TBI and spinal cord injuries can result in permanent disability, causing victims to lose their jobs and hobbies forever.

If you were hurt in a car fire or explosion accident that wasn’t your fault, talk to an experienced auto accident attorney about your legal options today.

Help for Car Fire/Explosion Injuries in San Antonio

Get the answers you need for your injury case today.

Call Carabin Shaw at 800-862-1260 for a free case evaluation with one of our experienced auto accident attorneys in San Antonio. We will help you find out if your case qualifies for compensation for free, with no obligation to choose our firm when we’re done. We look forward to serving you.

¹KSAT Report

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