
Teen Riding Homemade Go-Kart on South Side Street Hospitalized After Colliding With a Vehicle

Go-karting injuries can have a devastating impact on your child’s life.


Teen Hospitalized With Serious Injuries After Colliding With a Vehicle While Riding a Homemade Go-Kart

According to a KSAT News report, a 17-year-old was seriously injured in an auto accident last week.

Police reported the accident happened at around 9:30 p.m. on Friday, June 1st, at the intersection of South Hackberry Street and Linda Lou Drive. A 17-year-old boy and a 33-year-old man were riding homemade go-karts and were approaching the intersection when an SUV pulled out in front of them. Both riders collided with the SUV, and the boy sustained serious injuries. The driver of the SUV stayed at the scene and cooperated with police, but the 33-year-old left the scene on foot and took himself to a nearby hospital for a minor injury. The boy is expected to recover, and no charges will likely be filed. The investigation is ongoing.

Did You Know?

Roughly 67% of the over 10,000 people injured in go-karting accidents in a 10-year study were younger than 15.

What You Need to Know About Go-Kart Injuries in San Antonio

Many families love go-karting as a fun summer activity or birthday party event. Practically everyone can participate, and there’s very little risk of injury.

But injuries do happen. Children can and do get seriously injured in go-karting accidents across Texas. Learning about common injuries in go-karting and what to do if someone does end up being injured will help you prepare for family fun with minimal risk.

Common Go-Karting Injuries

There are many reasons why people (especially children) are injured while go-karting, such as:

  • Unsecured long hair,
  • Defective karts,
  • Reckless/inexperienced operators,
  • And improper safety equipment.

While it may not seem like that big of a risk, these mistakes commonly end in injuries like:

  • Head Trauma,
  • Spinal Cord Injuries,
  • Fractures,
  • Lacerations,
  • Concussions,
  • Internal Injuries,
  • and Burn Injuries.

Death and serious injury are less common, but they do happen. They are more likely to occur on outdoor tracks. Additionally, the children most at risk for serious injury, according to a Consumer Product Safety Commission study, are boys between the ages of 8 and 14.

What To Do If Someone Is Injured While Go-Karting

If you or your child is hurt in a go-kart accident, follow these steps:

  • Call 9-1-1 — Immediately seek medical attention if anyone is hurt. It’s also good to have a police report of the accident.
  • Gather Witness Information — Get the contact info (name, phone number, and address) of anyone who saw the accident.
  • Document the Scene — Get video or photos of the accident scene, and check for cameras that may have caught the accident.
  • Call Carabin Shaw — The time limit for filing a claim is typically 2 years from the injury, so don’t delay!

Injured in a Go-Kart? Call Carabin Shaw.

If you or your child was hurt in a go-kart accident because of someone’s negligence or a defective kart, you may have grounds for legal compensation for things like:

  • Ambulance Costs,
  • Surgeries,
  • Medical Bills,
  • Pain and Suffering,
  • Trauma/PTSD,
  • Disfigurement,
  • Wrongful Death,
  • Punitive Damages,
  • And more.

We can help you find out for free.

Carabin Shaw has been representing personal injury and product liability cases across Texas for more than 30 years, and we put our clients first. Call 800-862-1260 to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our personal injury attorneys to find out if you have grounds for a claim for free. We look forward to serving you.

Contacting a Carabin Shaw attorney is free and does not obligate you to work with the firm. 

¹KSAT Report

²CPSC Report on Go-Kart Injuries

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