
Stalled Vehicle Rear-Ended, Trapping Person Inside the Vehicle

Who’s fault is it if a car stalls in the middle of the road and causes an accident?


Vehicle Stalls, Changes Lanes Only to Be Rear-Ended and Leave Person Trapped Inside Vehicle

According to a KENS5 News report, a stalled vehicle was rear-ended in an accident last night.

Police reported the accident occurred sometime last night, Wednesday, May 8th, on I-10 just past Jackson Road. A stalled vehicle was in a lane that police blocked for protection but later switched lanes. In the process, the vehicle was rear-ended. The car that rear-ended them was severely damaged, and fire crews had to be called to extract the driver. It was unclear if any other vehicles were involved, though police reported only minor injuries occurred. No other information was provided, nor was it made clear if any charges were filed.

Did You Know?

18% of the 800 pedestrians killed on freeways across the U.S. each year were leaving or returning to a stalled or disabled vehicle.

Who’s At-Fault When a Stalled Vehicle Causes an Accident in Texas?

Hundreds of Texans face the scary situation of getting stuck in the middle of the road in a stalled vehicle.

If you follow the proper procedure by turning your hazards on and remaining in the vehicle, other drivers will likely see you and be able to go around. But what happens if someone doesn’t see you in time and hit the back of your car? Who’s to blame?

Let’s take a look at when the driver of the stalled vehicle is at fault and when the other vehicle is at fault in accidents like this.

Determining Liability in Stalled Vehicle Accidents

In accidents where a car has broken down in the middle of the road, both parties often share some fault. However, there are clear-cut situations that would likely place more blame on one party.

Stalled Vehicle Liability

If the driver of the stalled vehicle:

  • Could move the car out of the road but didn’t,
  • Did not use their hazard lights,
  • Or knew the vehicle would likely break down but drove it anyway,

They would likely bear most of the responsibility for the accident.

Other Vehicle Liability

If the driver of the other vehicle:

  • Was speeding,
  • Was driving distracted,
  • Was under the influence of drugs or alcohol,
  • Or was driving recklessly,

They would likely bear most of the responsibility for the accident.

Liability cannot be determined without knowing the specifics of the accident because so many factors can contribute to a stalled vehicle accident. If you want to know how liability will play out in your case, set up a free case evaluation with Carabin Shaw’s auto accident attorneys today.

Injured in a Stalled Vehicle Accident in Texas? Call Carabin Shaw

Liability in stalled vehicle accidents can be tricky. Fortunately, you have the right to hire expert legal counsel for your case.

If you were injured in an accident that was not your fault, you could be entitled to compensation for things like:

  • Property damage,
  • Ambulance costs,
  • Medical Bills,
  • Surgeries/Emergency room treatment
  • Lost Work,
  • Loss of earning capacity,
  • Disfigurement,
  • Burns,
  • Wrongful death,
  • And more.

We can help you find out if your case qualifies for free.

Carabin Shaw has served those injured in stalled vehicle accidents for more than 30 years, and we put our clients first. Call our team to schedule your free case evaluation with one of our attorneys today at 800-862-1260, or jump into the live chat to get started. We look forward to serving you.

Contacting a Carabin Shaw attorney is free and does not obligate you to work with the firm.

¹KENS5 Report

² Fatalility Data

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