
One Construction Worker Dead, Two Injured in Explosion Accident

Accidents can happen at any workplace


(February 10, 2023) One worker is dead, and two are injured after a natural gas pipeline owned by the Targa corporation explodes while being serviced by the Nexus Integrity Management construction company in Pearsall, Texas, on February 1, 2023. In hazardous jobs, employee safety should be the company’s first concern. Unfortunately, accidents like this happen far too frequently in the United States because worker safety is not always taken as seriously as it should be. So, what should you do if you are injured at work or you lose a loved one in a tragic work-related incident?

Did you know?

Construction work has the highest fatality rates of any occupation in the state of Texas, with 127 deaths in 2020 and 180 deaths in 2021.

Sources: Division of Worker’s Compensation and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Worker’s Compensation

Repetitive workplace environments can make it seem like one day runs into the next until you finally make it to payday. It only takes one catastrophic event – one slip, one manager lax in safety protocols, one worker forgetting safety gear – to result in an accident that will completely change a worker’s life forever. Industries like construction and transportation have higher rates of accidents and fatalities than other industries, but accidents can happen to anyone at any job. Most employers provide workers’ compensation benefits, and if they do, there are special laws that will govern how much and from whom you can receive compensation for your injuries. Commonly covered types of injuries include:

  • Loss of vision or other eye injuries
  • Neck, back, and knee injuries
  • Head injury
  • Hearing loss injuries
  • Asthma or other occupational diseases like heart attacks or strokes
  • Emotional problems from work
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Burns, disfigurement, or scarring on the face, neck, and hands

Workers’ Comp can be tricky to navigate and difficult to understand. In order to ensure you are receiving the maximum deserved compensation for your work injury, talk to our attorneys at Carabin Shaw today at 800-862-1260.

Wrongful Death Claims

The worst possible outcome of a workplace accident is the tragic loss of a loved one, which was the tragic outcome of the incident in Pearsall. The bereaved family will suffer the loss of affection, income, and comfort, all while dealing with insurance companies attempting to limit their claims as much as possible. You and your family could be entitled to far more compensation than insurance companies are willing to give if you have lost a loved one in a work accident. Some types of compensation include:

  • Medical and funeral expenses associated with the loss
  • Loss of support
  • Lost benefits, such as loss of insurance
  • Loss of inheritance from an untimely death
  • Loss of love, companionship, comfort, care, assistance, protection, affection, or care suffered by the surviving family.
  • Punitive damages that are intended to punish and prevent wrongdoers from harming anyone else.

Grieving family members should focus on healing and recovering from their loss, not complicated insurance claims. Dealing with complex legal matters is what our wrongful death attorneys at Carabin Shaw have been doing for thirty years.

Injured or Lost a Loved One in a Workplace Accident

Our team of wrongful death and workers’ comp lawyers at Carabin Shaw has represented the injured and bereaved across Texas for 30 years. If you have been injured at work, or if you lost a loved one in a work-related incident and you want to learn more, contact Carabin Shaw at 800-862-1260 today. We care, and we look forward to working with you to get the compensation you deserve.

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