
Motorcyclist Hospitalized After Late-Night Crash With SUV

Motorcycle accidents are often fatal — learn how to minimize your risk.


Motorcyclist Injured After Collision With SUV on the East Side

According to a KSAT News report, a motorcyclist was hospitalized after a collision with an SUV this week.

Police reported the accident occurred at around 11 p.m. on the 800 Block of North Alamo Street near Broadway and I-37 on April 7th. An SUV was attempting to turn around when they struck a motorcyclist in another lane. This sent the motorcycle into another vehicle, according to the report. The motorcyclist was injured and transported to the hospital, where they are expected to recover. The driver of the SUV remained at the scene, was not found to be intoxicated, and is not currently facing charges. No other injuries were reported.

Did You Know?

53% of motorcycle accidents involving crossing paths are left turns, while only 6% are right turns.

Left-Turn Motorcycle Accidents in San Antonio

San Antonio is a beautiful city for a motorcycle ride, especially at this time of year. However, motorcyclists face many dangers while sharing the road with motorists.

One of the most common types of accidents are left-turn accidents, which happen when a vehicle making a left turn collides with a motorcycle. While every kind of motorcycle accident is dangerous, these kinds usually end in serious injury or fatality for motorcyclists.

Why Left-Turn Accidents Happen

Driver negligence is the leading cause of most accidents, and left-turn accidents are no exception. Common reasons left-turn accidents happen include:

  • Driver Error — Failing to check their blind spot before turning is a major cause of these kinds of accidents.
  • Visibility Issues — Oftentimes, drivers will check their blind spot but still miss an oncoming motorcycle.
  • Distracted Driving — Distracted driving contributes to many accidents across Texas. It’s easy to miss a motorcycle if you’re talking on the phone or recording a video, even if using a hands-free device.
  • Illegal Turns — A driver making an illegal left turn is difficult to predict and often ends in serious collisions.

Don’t rely on motorists to make the right decision.

Awareness: Your Best Defense

You should always wear the proper gear and use your headlights when appropriate, but a driver can still miss you regardless. Always be aware of the vehicles around you, and give yourself extra following distance at night. Try to avoid riding where another vehicle is blocking you from the view of a driver in a left-turn lane. It’s also a good idea to give yourself a few seconds after a light turns green to let any red-light runners have a chance to clear the intersection.

Of course, you can follow all of the rules and still be missed by a careless driver. If you see a driver making a left turn in front of you, follow these tips.

  • Don’t Panic — Mentally prepare yourself for this scenario ahead of time. Panicking reduces your reaction time, and you’ll only have a few seconds to react.
  • Look at the Escape Route — Don’t focus on the vehicle — look where there’s a hole or go around the back of the vehicle while trying to avoid crossing the center line if possible.

Injured in a Left-Turn Motorcycle Accident? Call Carabin Shaw.

Motorcyclists are often killed or severely injured in left-turn crashes in San Antonio.

Carabin Shaw has been representing victims of motorcycle accidents in San Antonio for over 30 years, and we put our clients first. Call the team that cares at 800-862-1260, or use the live chat to schedule your free case evaluation with our attorneys. We look forward to serving you.

Contacting a Carabin Shaw attorney is free and does not obligate you to work with the firm. 

¹KSAT Report

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