
Lightning Strikes Set Home, Apartment Complex Ablaze

House fires can sometimes warrant a lawsuit.


Overnight Lightning Strikes Set a Home and Apartment Complex on Fire, 12 Residents Displaced.

According to a KSAT News report, an overnight thunderstorm caused two fires that displaced 12 residents earlier this week.

San Antonio Fire Officials reported a lightning strike on April 9th set the utility room of a north side apartment complex on the 11800 block of Braesview on fire. The fire then spread to the attic and damaged 4 units, displacing 12 residents. No injuries were reported.

On the same night, a separate lightning strike set a northwest side home’s attic on the 11800 block of Braesview ablaze. The fire was set just after midnight. It is unclear if the residents were displaced as a result, but no injuries were reported.

Did You Know?

Lightning strikes cause an estimated 17,400 fires per year.

When Can You Sue for a House Fire in Texas?

Lightning strikes don’t often cause fires. Usually, fires start in homes due to cooking errors, candles, smoking in bed, and other common mistakes. But user error is not the only way fires destroy the lives of innocent people.

Defective products, wiring, and gas lines cause a significant amount of fires and severe burns in homes across Texas. The careless actions of a company can completely uproot the lives of unsuspecting people, and when that happens, the law demands compensation for the victims.

Defective Product Fires

When a product is manufactured or designed with a major flaw that causes an electrical fire or explosion, and someone is injured by it, a defective product lawsuit can be brought against the company.

Fires are often started by defective products like:

  • Space Heaters,
  • Lithium-Ion Batteries,
  • Dryers,
  • Kitchen Appliances,
  • Ovens,
  • and Power/Extension Cords.

If you follow the manufacturer’s instructions but the product still catches fire during use, you likely have a defective product.

Defective Electrical Wiring Fires

If improperly installed or malfunctioning electrical wiring caused the house fire, you may be eligible for compensation for your injuries.

Many parties could be held responsible, such as:

  • Landlords,
  • Electrical Companies,
  • and Contractors.

If a landlord doesn’t carry out regular inspections and repairs, old or faulty wiring in appliances or light switches could start a fire. This negligent inaction could make them partially responsible for the fire.

Defective Gas Lines/Gas Appliances

Gas line explosions can cause devastating damage and end in wrongful death.

Many parties could be to blame for a gas line explosion, such as:

  • Gas company (including a liable parent company, if one exists),
  • Landlords,
  • Totally unrelated company or government (city, county, state) that punctures the line,
  • Construction contractor and/or subcontractor.

If a gas appliance was the cause of the explosion, liable parties could also extend to:

  • A company that recently “fixed” the appliance,
  • Manufacturer of the appliance,
  • Landlord.

Injured in a House Fire in Texas? Call Carabin Shaw.

Carabin Shaw knows how devastating losing your whole life to a house fire can be — especially if a company’s or landlord’s negligence caused the fire.

If you think negligence or a defective product caused your house fire, call our home fire and explosion attorneys ASAP.

Carabin Shaw has represented those injured in home fires and explosions across Texas for over 30 years. We’re a trusted name because we put our clients first. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and loss. Call the team that cares to find out if you have a case today at 800-862-1260, or use the live chat to get started. We look forward to serving you.

Contacting a Carabin Shaw attorney is free and does not obligate you to work with the firm.

¹KSAT News Report


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