
Fatal 18-Wheeler Accident Claims One Life in Smith County, Texas

Recently, one person was killed in a Texas truck accident in Smith County. While details about the accident are still sparse, according to a local news report, the accident occurred on FM 346. The driver of the truck survived the accident with serious injuries. However, an unidentified person was pronounced dead at the scene. The accident is still under investigation, and there is no indication whether criminal charges will be pursued.

Motor vehicle collisions are one of the leading causes of preventable injury in Texas. In fact, according to the most recent data from the Texas Department of Transportation, there are more than 15,800 people injured and another 3,600 killed in Texas car accidents each year. Truck accidents are responsible for a significant portion of these collisions.

Although Texas does not have the highest population of all U.S. states, it does see the highest number of trucking accidents. In part, this is because of the large number of interstate highways spanning the state. However, there also seems to be a certain disregard of the state’s traffic laws and regulations among many Texas truck drivers. For example, the majority of Texas truck accidents are the result of entirely preventable driving behavior, such as distracted driving, drunk driving, and aggressive driving. There is also a portion of truck accidents caused by vehicle and equipment defects.

Those injured in a truck accident can pursue a personal injury claim against the at-fault truck driver. In some cases, the trucker’s employer can also be held accountable for a negligent truck driver’s actions through the concept of vicarious liability. Vicarious liability allows accident victims to hold employers negligent for an employee’s actions if they were conducted during the scope of the employee’s work. However, due to the fact that many truck drivers are independent contractors, not all accident victims will have this option.

Carabin Shaw is a local Texas personal injury law firm representing accident victims and their families in cases stemming from all types of motor vehicle accidents. The firm’s personal injury and wrongful death lawyers have provided accident victims with high-quality legal representation for more than 30 years. Carabin Shaw has recovered more than $1 billion on behalf accident victims and their families. The firm’s attorneys understand that this is an extremely challenging time and do everything they can to make the process as straightforward as possible, while always maintaining a focus on obtaining full and fair compensation for each of their clients. Carabin Shaw represents clients in San Antonio and throughout Texas and offers all prospective clients a free consultation.

Carabin Shaw represents clients in San Antonio and throughout Texas and offers all prospective clients a free consultation, reach us at:

Main Office: 875 E Ashby Pl #1100, San Antonio, TX 78212

(800) 862-1260 or (210) 222-2288



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