
Driver Seriously Injured After Rolling Vehicle Onto Train Tracks on the West Side

Railroad crossings can be the site of serious auto accidents.


Driver Loses Control, Flips Over Onto Train Tracks on the West Side.

According to a KSAT News report, a driver was hospitalized following a single-vehicle accident this morning.

Police reported the accident occurred at around 8:30 a.m. on Highway 90 and General Hudnell on the West Side. A 29-year-old driver was reportedly swerving in and out of lanes just before the accident. He then approached a curve in the road and missed it, losing control and flipping the vehicle. It landed on train tracks, and the man had to be extracted from the vehicle. He was hospitalized with serious injuries, but police said it was not clear if he was intoxicated at the time of the accident. No charges are currently pending, and the investigation is ongoing.

Did You Know?

Texas once again led the nation in railroad crossing accidents in 2023, according to Operation Lifesaver data.

Railroad Crossing Safety Tips and Accident Help in Texas

16 people died, and 75 were injured in railroad crossing accidents in Texas in 2023.

You probably don’t think about train crossings very often, but it’s important that you know key safety tips to ensure your safety. Do you know how to safely drive or walk through a railroad crossing? Read on for safety tips for cars and pedestrians, and learn what to do if you’re in a railroad crossing accident.

Railroad Crossing Safety Tips for Drivers

When approaching a railroad crossing while driving, remember these tips:

  • Slow down,
  • Look in Both Directions Twice,
  • Shift Gears Before Entering Tracks,
  • Turn the Music Down and Listen for Approaching Trains,
  • If Red Lights Are Flashing and Arms Are Lowered, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CROSS, Even If You Don’t See a Train,
  • Always yield to Crossing Devices.

If you get stuck between crossing arms, keep driving and break the arm ahead of you. Do not attempt to drive around it. If your car stalls or breaks down on the tracks, immediately exit your vehicle and call 9-1-1.

Railroad Crossing Safety Tips for Pedestrians

If you’re approaching a railroad crossing while walking or biking, remember these tips:

  • Stop, Listen, and Look Twice in Both Directions,
  • Stay at Least 15 Ft Back From the Tracks,
  • Don’t Ever Engage in a Race With a Train to Cross the Tracks,
  • Don’t Be Confused: A Train is Always Moving Faster and Is Closer Than It Appears.

A train cannot avoid you — you have a responsibility to protect your life and avoid it. Always yield to crossing signs, and remember that even if it makes you late by a few minutes, an accident will cost you your life.

Injured in a Railroad Crossing Accident in Texas? Call Carabin Shaw.

A person is hit by a train (often with a fatal outcome) every 3 minutes in the United States.

If a defective crossing guard or someone’s negligent actions contributed to your railroad crossing accident, you could be entitled to significant compensation for things like:

  • Hospital Bills,
  • Ambulance Costs/Emergency Room Treatment,
  • Surgies,
  • Lost Work,
  • Loss of Earning Capacity,
  • Wrongful Death,
  • and More.

We can help you find out if your case qualifies for free.

Railroad crossing accidents are unique and can involve government or commercial liability. We’re prepared for that. Call Carabin Shaw personal injury attorneys for your Texas railroad crossing accident at 800-862-1260 or use the live chat to schedule your free case evaluation. We’re a trusted firm in Texas because we put our clients first. We look forward to serving you.

Contacting a Carabin Shaw attorney is free and does not obligate you to work with the firm.

¹KSAT Report

²TDI Railroad Crossing Safety Sheet

³Collisions and Fatalities by State


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