
Driver Killed After Crashing Into Construction Equipment on Loop 1604

San Antonio drivers share the road with major construction equipment while Loop 1604 is under construction.


Driver Dies After Crashing Truck Into Construction Crane on Loop 1604

According to a KSAT News report, a truck crashed into construction equipment in an early-morning fatal accident on Loop 1604 today.

Police reported the incident occurred at around 1:45 a.m. this morning on Loop 1604 near I-10 on the Northwest Side. The driver of a pickup truck drove around an off-duty officer’s vehicle, blocking traffic for construction. He then crashed his vehicle into a construction crane, tearing the roof off the vehicle. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Police did not say why the man drove around the vehicle or if alcohol was a factor in the crash.

Did You Know?

60% of highway contractors reported crashes in their work zones nationwide in 2021.

San Antonio Construction Zone Accidents

San Antonio’s population boomed over the pandemic as people from all over the country poured into Texas. This has led to major construction projects on Loop 1604, I-10, and downtown.

More highway construction leads to more accidents — construction debris, distracted drivers, drunk drivers, and careless drivers led to 376 work zone crashes in San Antonio in 2021. Poor signage and sudden lane changes make an already difficult drive even worse for even the most careful and experienced drivers in San Antonio. Add to that the increase in commercial vehicles on the roads, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.

What Causes Construction Accidents?

Construction zone accidents happen for the same reasons as other accidents in Texas:

  1. Distracted Driving — Texting, scrolling on social media, eating, changing, and every other activity that distracts attention away from the road.
  2. Drunk Driving — San Antonio is one of the worst cities for drunk driving, and it contributes to many construction zone accidents.
  3. Speeding — Excessive speeds and suddenly shifting lanes are a perfect combination for a serious accident.

When Do Construction Accidents Happen?

Unlike other major types of accidents, construction zone accidents usually don’t happen at night. You are most likely to be in a construction zone accident in San Antonio:

  • On Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday — Major construction on highways usually occurs at night or on the weekends when there is a significant spike in accidents.
  • Between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. — Construction zone accidents normally happen in the daytime as opposed to late at night.
  • During the Summer or Fall Months — Most construction is done during summer and fall when the weather is typically nicer.

Where Do Construction Accidents Happen?

Construction zones can be anywhere, but some are more dangerous than others. City streets are typically safer than major highways and interstates in Texas. While drivers encounter more pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists in cities, major highways and interstates have more traffic and higher speed limits, increasing the risk of an accident.

It is also interesting to note that commercial vehicles, which are more often on larger roads as opposed to city streets, saw a 39% increase in fatal work zone crashes from 2020 to 2021. Other fatal work zone crashes increased by only 2% in the same time period.

Injured in a Work Zone in San Antonio? Call Carabin Shaw.

You could be entitled to compensation from more than one party if you were hurt in a work zone accident in San Antonio.

Find out for free by calling Carabin Shaw at 800-862-1260 or using the live chat at the bottom right of your screen. We put our clients first because we care. We look forward to serving you.

Contacting a Carabin Shaw attorney is free and does not obligate you to work with the firm.

¹KSAT News report

²TxDOT Data

³Nationwide Data


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