
Driver Ejected, Hospitalized in Rollover Accident on Loop 410

Drivers who are not wearing their seatbelts are far more likely to be ejected in a rollover crash.


Driver Ejected and Hospitalized Following a Single-Vehicle Rollover Crash on the South Side

According to a KSAT News report, a driver was hospitalized after a single-vehicle rollover accident this week.

Police reported the accident happened on May 27th, at around 1 a.m., in the 9300 block of SE Loop 410 near Old Corpus Christi Road. The driver was reportedly heading eastbound down the highway when they lost control of their vehicle for unknown reasons. They swerved into the grassy median and struck a guardrail before rolling over, causing the driver to be ejected. They were taken to the hospital and are expected to fully recover. No other vehicles were involved, and the report did not mention if the driver was intoxicated at the time of the accident.

Did You Know?

14% of those killed in fatal accidents between 2003 and 2007 were ejected from the vehicle.

Vehicle Ejection Injuries in San Antonio

One of the worst-case scenarios you can face after a car accident in San Antonio is vehicle ejection.

Vehicle ejection refers to when a driver or passenger is thrown from the vehicle after an accident, almost always through the front windshield. There are many scenarios that can lead to vehicle ejection, though it is significantly reduced by seat belt use. When this happens, catastrophic injuries and death are far more likely to occur than in any other accident scenario.

Common Injuries from Vehicle Ejection Accidents

The most common injuries from vehicle ejection include:

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries take many forms but almost always affect the victim for years of their life. Damage to the spine can lead to neurological damage and paralysis and, at the very least, affect mobility.

Learn more about spinal cord injuries


One of the greatest risks to those ejected from vehicles is brain injuries. Even a light fall from a short distance can cause a TBI that can debilitate a person for life — as you can imagine, the damage from being thrown from a vehicle is much more intense.

Learn more about TBIs

Broken Bones

Broken bones are a common injury in vehicle ejection accidents. Damage to the limbs is often severe enough to require amputation. Even if the injury is not severe enough to require amputation, healing from a broken limb can take anywhere from a few weeks to over a year.

Learn more about leg injuries

Internal Organ Damage

Blunt force trauma from the powerful impact can leave victims of ejection accidents with internal organ damage. This is also a risk for those who are only partially ejected from the vehicle. Internal organ damage can be life-threatening and requires extensive medical care.

If you were ejected from your vehicle because of a car accident in San Antonio, you may be entitled to substantial compensation for your injuries.

Injured in a Vehicle Ejection Accident in San Antonio? Call Carabin Shaw.

If you were injured as a result of an ejection accident in San Antonio, you may be entitled to compensation for things like:

  • Ambulance Costs,
  • Surgeries,
  • Emergency Room Treatment,
  • Medical Care,
  • Physical Therapy,
  • PTSD/Trauma,
  • Emotional Distress,
  • Disfiguration,
  • Wrongful Death,
  • And More.

We can help you find out if your case qualifies for free.

Carabin Shaw has represented those injured in ejection accidents in San Antonio for over 30 years, and we put our clients first. Call 800-862-1260 or use the live chat to schedule a free case evaluation with one of Carabin Shaw’s personal injury attorneys. We look forward to serving you.

Contacting a Carabin Shaw attorney is free and does not obligate you to work with the firm.

¹KSAT Report

²NHTSA Crash Data

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