
3 Injured in Multi-Vehicle Accident Likely Caused by Street Racing on the North Side

Street racing often has deadly consequences.


Suspected Street Racing Accident Damages 4 Cars, Injures 3 on the North Side

According to a KSAT News report, suspected street racers caused a multi-vehicle crash over the weekend.

Police reported the accident happened at around 10 p.m. on Sunday, February 9th, at the 7000 block of San Pedro Avenue on San Antonio’s North Side. A 24-year-old suspect was racing another vehicle southbound on San Pedro Avenue when he veered to miss another vehicle. He ended up colliding with it anyway, sending him into another vehicle. A woman in one of the racing vehicles was taken to the hospital with a broken leg. A man and his passenger in one of the victim’s vehicles (not racing) were taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Police did not indicate specific charges for the suspect. The investigation is ongoing.

Did You Know?

Drivers taking faulty evasive action caused 20,848 accidents in Texas in 2023.

Street Racing Accidents in San Antonio

Street racing is a big problem in San Antonio.

Experts believe the rise of social media use among the youth has led to an increase in street racing numbers, as illegal events are advertised and promoted on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Popular movie franchises also frequently show spontaneous street races with little to no consequences, possibly leading youth to believe that it’s really not that dangerous.

Unfortunately, street racing is extremely dangerous and can have extreme legal consequences for those who participate — not to mention the risk of injury or death for racers and innocent bystanders alike.

Legal Consequences of Street Racing in San Antonio

Street racing happens when one or more people use a public road to race their vehicles. Legal consequences vary and can range from:

  • A Class B Misdemeanor — Usually for a first offense, comes with up to 6 months jail time and up to $2,000 in fines.
  • A Class A Misdemeanor — Usually for a second-time offense or if intoxication is involved, comes with up to 1 year jail time and up to $4,000 in fines.
  • 2nd or 1st Degree Felony — Usually for a third conviction or if anyone is seriously injured, comes with up to 20 years jail time, 10 years of probation, and up to $10,000 in fines.

Law enforcement can seize any vehicles involved in street racing in San Antonio. Additionally, your license will be suspended for one year if you are convicted of racing on a highway. You may also be required to serve 10 hours of community service if convicted.

Of course, street racers will also be civilly liable for property damages and injuries they caused in addition to any criminal charges, if applicable.

The Severe Injury and Death Risk from Street Racing

Excessive speeds and erratic stunts are dangerous alone but significantly escalate in danger when drivers participate in them on roads that aren’t designed for racing.

As a result, street racing often results in more severe injuries than normal accidents, such as:

  • TBI (Traumatic Brain Injuries),
  • Spinal Cord Injuries,
  • Broken Bones,
  • Internal Injuries (organ damage, internal bleeding, internal bruising),
  • And Lacerations.

Of course, street racing tragically takes the lives of racers and innocent bystanders alike in San Antonio. Last year, around this time, Daynier Bello-Vazquez (30) died after crashing his car while street racing. Briana Sorrell, James Ewell, and Derek Twyman all died as passengers in a street racing accident in 2020.

If you were seriously injured or lost a loved one due to a street racer in San Antonio, you can speak to a Carabin Shaw lawyer about your legal options for free.

Injured or Lost a Loved One to a Street Racer in San Antonio? Call Shaw!

You may be entitled to compensation for things like:

  • Ambulance Costs,
  • ER Treatment,
  • Medical Bills,
  • Surgeries,
  • Disability,
  • Missed Work.
  • Funeral/Burial Costs,
  • Trauma/PTSD,
  • And More.

We’ll help you find out if you have a case for free.

Call Shaw at 800-862-1260 to schedule a case evaluation with a car accident attorney today. There are no fees and no obligations attached, just the expert legal advice you need. Carabin Shaw has been a trusted name in San Antonio for over 32 years because we put our clients first.

We look forward to serving you.

¹KSAT Report

²TxDOT Crash Contributing Factors

³CIRP on Street Racing


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