
2024 DWI Arrests During Fiesta Lowest in 5 Years SAPD Data Shows

It’s easier than ever for Texans to make better choices in 2024.


SAPD Data Shows Decrease in DWI Arrests During Fiesta 2024

According to a KSAT News report, DWI arrests during Fiesta reached a 5 year low in 2024.

SAPD arrest data shows that while crime overshadowed Fiesta this year, drunk driving was the lowest it has been in 5 years. During the 11-day celebration, 114 arrests were made for DWI offenses. This is 37 less than in 2023 when 151 DWI arrests were made. Saturday, April 20th, had the most arrests during Fiesta, with 18, and Thursday, April 18th, had the lowest with 2 arrests.

At least one intoxication manslaughter accident was reported during Fiesta this year when a man driving a motorcycle with a passenger crashed and the passenger was killed. The man was later found to be intoxicated and under the influence of cannabinoids, cocaine, and fentanyl at the time of the accident. His motorcycle camera showed him making an illegal maneuver before crashing into a tow truck, which he told police had sideswiped him.

Did You Know?

Statistics suggest that designated drivers saved roughly 50,000 lives in ten years.

How to Be a Designated Driver in San Antonio: Tips for Beginners

You are never responsible for the actions of other people, and you should not feel guilty for the poor choices of your friends or family. However, your influence on your friends and family is greater than you think.

Bringing up drunk driving can be a touchy subject in San Antonio, and many feel uncomfortable standing up to their friends. However, if you choose to be a designated driver, you could save lives and protect your friends and family from making a tragic mistake.

Set Ground Rules Before You Leave

Trying to reason with a drunk friend is one of the most difficult things you’ll ever have to do.

Instead, lay out some ground rules before you leave while everyone is still sober. Explain where and when you will meet so you can avoid the hassle of convincing drunk friends to leave or trying to find them. Explain that you will not be drinking at all so that no one tries to pressure you.

Say No, Even to One Drink

Once you get started drinking, you’ll want to continue. Before you know it, you’ll be too drunk to take anyone home.

Eat a full meal before you go and order some virgin cocktails so it appears to others that you’re drinking if you’re facing peer pressure. If it looks like you’re drinking, they’re less likely to try and force alcohol on you.

Double-Check for Open Containers

Before you head back home, make sure none of your passengers have open containers on them. Any open containers must either be thrown away or secured in the truck. Just one open container could result in a traffic ticket if an officer sees it.


If you’re of legal drinking age, don’t be afraid to ask others in your group to share the DD responsibility sometimes. And remember—if everyone takes an Uber or a cab together, the cost per person isn’t that expensive.

Injured by a Drunk Driver in San Antonio? Call Carabin Shaw.

There is no excuse for drunk driving in 2024.

If you were injured by a drunk driver in San Antonio, call Carabin Shaw. We have more than 30 years of experience representing those hurt by drunk drivers, and we’re a trusted name in San Antonio because we put our clients first.

Call the firm that cares today at 800-862-1260, or use the live chat to schedule your free case evaluation. We look forward to serving you.

Contacting a Carabin Shaw attorney is free and does not require you to work with the firm.

¹KSAT Report

²DD Lives Saved

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