Photo Credit: KTSM
El Paso TX, Feb 6, 2020 – At least two people have been injured and a third killed in an accident that occured the evening of Wednesday Feb 5th. The incident happened at the intersection of Piedras and Harrison in the central district of El Paso.
The crash involved a speeding sports car driven by Andreus Michael Johnson (20) who was seen running a stop sign that then broadsided an SUV hitting the vehicle driven by Herlinda Castro (67) and her passenger, Ashley Saucedo. All three victims were transported to University Medical Center where Castro was later pronounced dead. The condition of Johnson and Saucedo has not been updated at this time.
Charges are pending against Johnson for the death of Castro. The investigation is still ongoing.

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Speeding Statistics
For more than 2 decades, speeding has been involved in approximately one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities in the US.
Speeding killed 10,111 people in the US in 2016, accounting for more than a quarter of all traffic fatalities.
Drivers ages 15-20 had the highest representation in speed-related fatal crashes (32% and 22%) compared to any other age group in 2016.
National data shows that even a 10-mph speed increase ups the risk of a crash by 9.1%.
(Source: https://driving-tests.org/driving-statistics/)
If you, a family member or loved one has been injured or worse, killed due to an auto accident, contact an attorney who specializes in these cases to review your legal options. You may be entitled to compensation for damages, medical treatments, and lost wages due to the incident.
Lawyers at Carabin Shaw help clients get the care and attention they deserve after a serious incident. Our experienced attorneys represent people and families who have suffered catastrophic injuries and tragic wrongful deaths throughout the state of Texas. If you or a loved one has been injured contact us today at 800-862-1260.
The personal injury attorneys of Carabin Shaw provided the information herein as a community service.